Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Back From The Holidays....

I went back to Sibu this weekend with my favorite niece, Nurul. They say that kids are like curious cats. They ask questions that sometimes you can't even answer. All the way in the bus, she keep on asking me questions that I can't even answer. Even about how long would it take from Miri to Sibu. To explain the "how long" feels, i just can't describe it to her. It makes me wonder, its good to be kids. We don't know things and we are given the opportunity to ask questions. I think maybe the world genius can't never answer those tricky yet challenging questions.

Sibu was nice. I miss my parents, i miss my room and best of all, i miss my quiet and peace holidays... Well, its worth it for me to be back in my hometown with my favorite niece. She's adorable. And best yet to come, Fyda is expecting. We're hoping (fingers cross) for her to have a baby boy this time.

I'm still shop hunting for superbike or maybe streetbike. Found a few, but still in the decision mode. (hahahahahahaha)

Its my sister's examination day today. I wish her all the best and all the luck in the world for her. Can't wait to have her back soon, though!

What else?? Hm... let see... owh yeah.... American Idol, its the David vs David... who's gonna be Americal Next Idol??? tough decision, but my bet will be on the Diva, as the MrManager calls it!! hahahaha.... so, this is my blog, me without my camera. Hoping for one soon.... keeping my fingers cross....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy holy!!
my cookey won!!
helll yeahhh~~!! :D